There is no better or more effective cleaning cloth for kitchens, countertops, bathrooms and general household cleaning, available anywhere. If You Care Sponge Cloths leave no streaks. They absorb liquids easily and quickly and release them with simple wringing. They are remarkably durable, tear and abrasion resistant, reusable over and over again, and can be machine washed in water up to 1900F (880C), up to 300 times.
If You Care Sponge Cloths and their packaging are made from 100% renewable resources and contain no petroleum or other fossil fuel products. Each cloth is reusable and washable many times. These sponge cloths reduce waste and the amount of material going to landfill. The packaging is a biopolymer made from corn starch which is certified compostable in commercial composting facilities, leading to a further reduction in waste, greenhouse gasses and diversion from landfill. The cloth is also compostable.
Rinse cloth and wring out excess water to increase absorbency. Use with water, soap and water, or any household cleaner. After using, rinse thoroughly, wring out water, and leave flat to dry. Cloth can be washed at temperatures up to 1900F (880C) in dishwasher or washing machine with normal loads. Do not use chlorine bleach or chlorine products. After washing, leave to air dry. Do not tumble dry.